We were established in 1935, coinciding with the introduction of the Driving Test and a momentous milestone when an aeroplane reached an astounding record speed of 352 miles per hour. Since then, the physical world has undergone rapid and remarkable transformations.
The Lodge of Equity No 5554 had humble beginnings, emerging from the vision and dedication of a group of Brethren from the Lodge of Benevolence. They formed a committee with the intent of establishing a new lodge, and over a span of fifteen meetings held between 23rd October 1934 and 3rd December 1934, they diligently laid the foundation.
From these meetings, a recommendation was born, leading to the submission of a petition to Grand Lodge on 7th February 1935. This petition was approved on 5th June 1935, marking the official birth of the Lodge of Equity No 5554. The lodge was consecrated on 27th September 1935, under the auspices of the Right Worshipful Brother Col. Wyley, who served as the Provincial Grand Master of Warwickshire at that time.
The lodge motto, "Suum Cuique," which translates to "Everyone his due," was proposed by our inaugural Master, W. Bro J. Wild.